Jul 26, 2022
We're following up last week's episode with an additional steps that you can take to create a social media strategy for your business.
I'm a firm believer that if you consistently show up doing this things that you will remain top-of-mind to your audience and...
Jul 19, 2022
Whether you've been showing up on social media for years or you're brand new to showcasing what your business is about, I believe these 10 steps can be applicable to you. As business owners, we cannot show up haphazardly on social media and expect amazing results. You might get lucky from time to time but it's important...
Jul 12, 2022
10 - 15 years ago you may have needed to convince business owners that they needed a website.
In 2022, you most likely don't need to convince people they need a website but they may need help with it not being an afterthought. We need to be putting in the forethought for our website to go from good to great.
Jul 5, 2022
Should you walk away from social media? This probably seems like an odd question but hear me out on this episode where I talk about navigating the polarized world we live in with Godly wisdom.