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The Infinitely More Podcast with Heather Heuman

Mar 28, 2023

Writing a book can be challenging and daunting by itself. When you add in the marketing and everything to do once it's published, many can decide it's simply too much. 

I'm so glad to be joined by 8 time author, Brenda Haire, as she shares with us three strategies she has used for her books and how she navigated being...

Mar 21, 2023

As algorithms and platforms change, we can begin to question whether or not a platform is for us. Whether it's decreased engagement or lack of understanding regarding new changes, in today's episode I'm talking specifically about Facebook and 7 questions to ask yourself if you should continue using the platform for your...

Mar 14, 2023

Movement begets more movement. Once you begin to take action and start to see results, it compels you forward to continue seeing more results. 

In today's episode, I want to chat with you about 3 actions you can begin taking today, and every day moving forward, to begin to see the results that you want to see in your...

Mar 7, 2023

Perfectionism is no one's friend.

It likes to disguise itself as excellence (they're not the same thing).

If you find yourself getting stuck in your own head, with a myriad of videos on your phone that no one has ever seen because you're worried about certain things not being perfect, this episode is for you. 

So how do...